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Keeping it 100





2011-07-07 19:42:35|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

  下载LOFTER 我的照片书  |




It's that boy, who every girl has.

It's that boy who makes you shake and act like a dork.

He makes you forget what you want to say,

 and make your words come out slurred. And even though he has your heart, you're not sure you want to change that.

it`s that tragic story of a shallow boy, with the girl who sees way too much in him, the story of the boy who turned her down because she just wasn't pretty enough, and the world spits in her face telling her she`s not good enough day after day, and everyday she paints on a smile and pretends she`s fine...

Everytime she laughs, she hopes he is watching.
Not so he see's that she's happy, but so that maybe,
just maybe, he'll fall for smile her like she fell for his

He may tell you how much he like's you, but just decide to ignore it because it will never be compared to his love her

"Even though she doesn't believe in love,
he's determined to call her bluff
who could deny, these butterflies?
"The greatest war ever fought is between the mind of the girl in love between her mind screaming or a warning,
telling her 'There's no such thing as fairytales' and her heart quietly whispering, 'You never know...'
"his mom told him once, dont you dare hurt that girl, the way she looks at you, he loves you. and i can tell she means it."

If he honestly cared about you one bit he wouldn’t have left. Not the first time, not the second time, not ever.

Just because someone loves you, doesn’t mean they wont hurt you.

Learn to trust no one, that’s the best advice I can give you in life.

Put on a smile and don’t let it fade. Even through the bad times, all the bulshit you have to go through. don’t let it get the best of you. Put on that smile and show everyone how strong you are.

Someone asked me if I knew you, Millions of good and bad memories flashed through my head, and i said "not anymore".

Everyone knows that your gonna get your heart broken, but yet we walk right towards it.

He looked at me, flashed that beautiful smile, put his arms tightly around me, and pressed his lips to mine. I had no way on knowing this would be the last time, but some part of me knew and held on, never wanting to let go.

Every girls beautiful, special, one of a kind. Every girl has a asshole who doesn’t treat her the way he should.

I miss the way you made me feel. even if it was a lie.

It's not about what happened in the past, or what you think might happen in the future. It's about the ride, for Christ's sake. There is no point in going through all this crap is you're not going to enjoy the ride. And you know what.. when you least expect it, something great might come along. Something better than you even planned for

Every move he made, she was right there with him.

You always want to be with him. Lets face it, you cant go five minutes without thinking about him. You might have just left his side, but yet you miss him more then ever. You want to make every moment last because who knows when he will say good bye. You’ve never let safer then when your wrapped up in arms. The only time you’re your true self is when its just you two. He is every always there for you, and you couldn’t love him more.

I need someone to stay with me when
times get tough, someone to hug and
kiss me when i've had enough. I get
tired of hearing the same bullshit every
day, someone to tell me, "baby, you're
going to make it, okay?"

I'm sorry to tell you, but I think it's true. "I'm done with him," was the truth. She's moving on without you. You never see tears in her eyes anymore. She smiles more than anything now. Don't walk back into her life and expect things to go back to how they were, because this time-it's different. This time, you made her realize she can do better.

us teenage kids,we mess up, break up, lie, cheat, feel like the world is crashing down, try to fill shoes way too big for us but one thing we're pretty good at is hanging on.

We fight over things that don't matter and say things we will only want to take back, but you will always be the one I want to be in love with at the end of every day.

It's not about what happened in the past, or what you think might happen in the future. It's about the ride, for Christ's sake. There is no point in going through all this crap is you're not going to enjoy the ride. And you know what.. when you least expect it, something great might come along. Something better than you even planned for

Every move he made, she was right there with him.

I guess after a while, I just couldn’t take anymore.

When you're at the top, remember what it felt like at the bottom.
When you're at the bottom, remember what it felt like at the top.
Good doesn't last forever.. but neither does bad.

Bottom Line: Couples who are truly right for each other go through the same shit as everybody else. The difference is they don't let it take them down.

The worst thing you could do for love is deny it.
So when you find that special someone,
don't let anyone or anything get in your way.

I think I'm afraid to be happy.
Because whenever I get too happy, something bad always happens.

When you're stuck loving someone, all you wanna do is stay away.
But when that person shows even the smallest gesture of affection,
all your efforts of moving on go down the drain.

I'm scared because I don't want anyone else to steal your heart;
That's what I want to do.

Plus I get weak in the knees, fall head over heels baby,
And every other cheesy cliche`. Yes I'm sweeped off my feet,
Oh my heart skips a beat.. but there's really only one thing to say..
Goddamn you're beautiful to me.

Goodbyes make you think,
they make you realize what you have,
what you've lost, and what you've taken for granted.

There's always going to be that one person you always want to be with even after you find out they don't want to be with you.

Never regret something that once made you smile.

And she put on her waterproof mascara this morning
because she knew it was gonna be a hard day.

Some people make your laugh a little louder,
your smile a little brighter, and your life a little better.
But baby you're missing what's right of you,
a girl that would give up everything just to be yours.



hate how, we never got our chance to see what we could’ve been. I hate how I know I’m not over you and how I pretend to be. I hate how you totally moved on and you have no idea that I haven’t. I hate how I'm trying to forget about us, and most of all I hate how you don't even care..

Never believe that you are alone in the world, or believe that no one understands you there are people out there who are facing the same problems as you

It hurts to see someone you love ignoring you, it also hurts to see that he doesn't feel your love. But it hurts even more to know that he loves you too, and just doesn't want you to know.

we all make mistakes... you were one of mine.

I believe there is one person. Just that one, that will always, no matter what, hold your heart in the end.

Who I ever said I needed you?

I’m forgiving and forgetting ,
forgiving myself for being so stupid and forgetting you ever existed

Love hurts. I say that because I know. Love is... or was amazing. It's an incredible feeling to know what he's going to say. It's more incredible the way he has me on the edge of my seat because he's so completely random, I never know what's coming next. It's hard to explain, but he filled some void in me, and now, without him, I'm missing something again. I wonder if it will ever truly, whole heartedly be filled again. I just don't want to know what it's like to hurt any more...

The tough thing about following you heart is that people forget to mention that sometimes the heart takes you to places you shouldn't be. Places that are scary as they are exciting and as dangerous as they are alluring. Sometimes your heart cannot take you to places that lead to happy ending. That's not even the difficult part; the difficult part is when you follow your heart, you leave normal; you go into the unknown and once you do you can never go back.

In that moment, I felt my heart break. And I thought, “I can’t live without you. I don’t want to live without you,” and then it slowly crept into my mind that no matter how bad I wanted or needed you, it wouldn’t matter.


Everyone says love never ends. So that I want to you know is what do I do when it comes time to say goodbye. What do I do with all the love I have for you.

No one knows what love truly is until they’ve experienced it, you cant put something that profound into words.

How do you know you love someone? There isn’t a guideline, sometimes I wish there was. So I would when to get out, save myself. To so I would know when I give my all. But that’s the thing, with love you always give your all.

Every girl goes looking for the perfect boy to fall into with, and every time she finds a asshole who isn’t worth her time. And that guy, will be the one she is willing to do anything for.

i'm always a mess. I can never keep my own secrets. I laugh too hard at stupid things. My favorite songs can make me cry. I always watch for 11:11, but I miss it more than I notice it. I live in the past, in the memories I have with the people I love. I hate thinking about reality and I'm so homesick that it's not even funny. But not homesick in a missing my house kind of way...maybe it's more like heartsick for all the things that I can't get back. It's hard for me to define myself. I guess I'm just a cliche--the girl who loved too hard and didn't get anything in return. I don`t want to be the heroine in some tragic love story...I just want the one person who has never given me a second thought.

love is really what you make it. it can hurt like hell, or it could be the greatest thing ever made.

Don't wear your heart on your sleeve, because one day, some asshole is gonna come along tear it off and stomp on it. Do you really want that?....Didn't think so

I do think you love me, Or at least you could love me. But. you’re afraid, because the last time you gave me your heart, I shattered it into a million pieces. And the only thing you're afraid of, is that happening again.-

I can't deal with the fact that she's the one you're thinking about, she's the one you hug & kiss, she's the one you call every single day. I can't deal with the fact that the only person I love loves someone else.

the happiest people don't have it all, they just make the best out of what they have

"Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. Yet when you don't believe in love, it finds a way to make you a believer. And you always....always go crawling back."
- Neil Gaima

You were unmistakably my first love and I will never forget that. Even though we both have grown apart, both changed, a piece of you remains with me. You will always be a part of me because you unknowingly showed me what I deserve. And every guy I'm with for the rest of my life will be compared to you.

there's a difference in what we long for
what we settle for
and who we are meant for

The funny thing is, nobody ever really knows how much anybody else is hurting. We could be standing next to someone who is completely broken, and we wouldn’t even know.

it was a hate love kinda thing. love one day, hate the next. and it was always a mystery to me how the only guy that i ever let get to me, get to my head. hurt me, but yet i only feel this way about the one guy . what is it? love, love is undetectible and unpredictable, you have to be 100% sure its love.

You will know that you love someone when you want her to be happy. Even if that means you're not a part of her happiness.

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love.



So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. Don't be afraid that your life will end,. be afraid that it will never begin.

Maybe that's why we all hold on to our first love in some way - why we miss it or long for it, want to reclaim or redo it. Because first love opens our eyes to that feeling that everyone has been talking about, singing about, writing about. It makes you feel like you've crossed over from not knowing to knowing. With first love, everything is new and the possibilities it awakens in you are exhilarating.

She loves you more than you can imagine, no matter how much she doesn't show it. But you boy, you need to show her how much you love her so she isn't afraid to show it back

when you love someone, you just want them to be happy. Even if their happiness doesn't involve you.

It was a small mistake, but sometimes that's all it takes


You can't tell someone you love them and then change your mind. That's not how it works. Once you love someone, you always love them. Isn't there a part of you that thinks of him for no reason? They'll always be in the back of your mind. And no matter how much you love someone else, you'll always love them too.

It's not supposed to be perfect, and no one is supposed to understand it. It's meant to be chaotic, and it's meant to make you cringe. If you haven't cried in a while, or felt like shit in even longer, then you're most likely doing something wrong. This isn't here for constant perfection, or some cliche’ happy ending. It's here to be real, and to keep your heart beating, and to keep you wanting more. There is supposed to be a bright light of hope in your heart, and a black hole of the unknown in your mind. None of this makes sense, but all of it is worth it.

i think everyone, at some point, goes through that one moment where they think "my God, i can't do this." but you know what? you can. no matter how close you are to the edge, no matter how badly you feel like giving up, or think it's best to do so rather than have to put up with the pain - don't. don't lose hope that things will get better. don't give up, because there is someone out there who will make you smile in a way no one else ever could. keep that glimmer of hope alive in your heart, because someone is out there searching for your smile. so wipe your tears and keep your head held high.

For the first time, I've found someone I hate leaving.
I've found someone that I can't get enough of. I've found
someone that accepts me for who I am and doesn't
tell me that I need to change. I think I've found
someone I can fall madly in love with.

I'm not good at expressing how i feel . it takes a lot for me to be honest . i don't fall for people easily and i keep my heart guarded. but if i could ever fall in love. i think it'd be with you.

sometimes, don't you wish your life is a movie?
that way you could rewind your favorite parts,
fast forward the parts where you cry, & the ending is always happy.



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